Elizabeth Taylor, Flash Gordon, Tiger Beat Magazine, and More!

The Baby Boomer Radio, TV, Movies, Magazines, Music, Comics, Fads, Toys, Fun, and More Show! show

Summary: We recall the 75th anniversary of Flash Gordon, the Universal Studios science fiction serial that was a standard of the 1930s. These were later seen on early TV in the early 1950s. Ian Rose gives us the details of these serials, the plots, the stars, and all the things that make these old serials so well-remembered. Mike tells us all about Tiger Beat Fan Magazine, the 1960s teen and pre-teen magazine that told youngsters all about the young stars, singers, and artists of the day. Just like similar magazines for adults, these were designed for young people and were sold at the checkout lines at the supermarkets. Mike has a collection of these magazines and he tells us what they are worth and what to look for when you find some in your travels. Ian has the latest obituaries including that of Elizabeth Taylor. Our Retro-Commercial is for good old McDonald's Restaurants, featuring a neat jingle from the 1970s. All this and much more on this edition of Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site!