GitMinutes #07: Martin Geisler on Mercurial

GitMinutes show

Summary: In this episode, we talk to Martin Geisler, a long time contributor to the Mercurial project. If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element. Use the link below to download the mp3 manually. Link to mp3 Martin is a software developer since 15 years, focusing mainly on Python. I met him at a conference some years back where I talked about Git-SVN, and he talked about Mercurial, and we got to have some really interesting discussions on Git vs Mercurial, some of which we were able to recreate for recording this episode. Links and resources from the show: Martin's homepage (redirects to his Google+ account at the time of writing) The two frameworks Martin mentioned for Python development: Pyramid  SQL Alchemy  Mercurial  Steve Losh's Git Koans  Steve Losh explaining the diff between Mercurial and Git CodePlex announced Mercurial support  Bitbucket announced Git support  Google Code announces Git support  Announcing Kiln Harmony  Facebook's discussion on the Git mailing list  Mercurial/Git integration with HgGit  JavaHG  Mercurial's Command Server  Mercurial Phases  Mercurial Changeset Evolution  Some other useful things we didn't talk about: Hints for would-be Mercurial power users  Revision sets and file sets (built-in query languages that let you select revisions and files) Mercurial for Git users Finally, new users might find a minimal ~/.hgrc file with my favorite extensions useful: [ui] username = Your Name <> [extensions] # Color output and show progress bars in your terminal color = progress = # Pipe output into a pager pager = # Enable 'hg rebase' and 'hg pull --rebase' rebase = # Enable 'hg histedit', like 'git rebase -i' histedit = # Enable 'hg record', like 'git add -i; git commit' record = [pager] # Set $PAGER or specify the pager to use here:  pager = less -FRX Listen to the episode on YouTube