7-10-13: Health care and small(ish) businesses, a tale of heroin and grad school, and vitamin supplements

WYPR: Maryland Morning with Sheilah Kast Podcast show

Summary: Now that the Obama administration postponed the requirement that large companies offer their workers affordable insurance, an estimated five thousand more Marylanders will remain uninsured. We’ll talk to the owner of two affected businesses, the Houlihan's restaurants in Columbia and Crofton, and ask how the delay will affect their workers - and the restaurant’s bottom line. Then, like thousands each year, writer Michael Clune came to Baltimore for graduate school. Unlike most, Clune was addicted to heroin. He tells us about his memoir, White Out, and why he calls addiction a memory disease. And, the Nutrition Diva, Monica Reinagel, tells Tom Hall why vitamins—in pill form—don't pack the nutritional punch we once thought.