PODCAzT 135: Encyclical Letter “Lumen fidei” – AUDIO files of entire encyclical

Fr. Z's Blog show

Summary: In my desire to get my ears and mind around the new encyclical, Lumen fidei, of Benedict XVI and Pope Francis, to sort the “voices” and get to know the trajectory of its arguments, I decided to read it aloud. Wanna hear?  Some prefer to listen rather than to read and I know that quite a few of you use my PODCAzTs when driving, etc. In reading, I did not read the footnotes, but I did include the intra-textual references, such as Scripture verses.  I read the abbreviation “cf.” as “confer”.  I did not include the brief sub-headings within each chapter.  However, I include the paragraph numbers so that you can quickly find your place in the text. Please forgive errors. I read pretty much straight through and I had a few interruptions.  Furthermore, at a certain point my head was turning to mush! I also found a couple typos in the text! Also, since moving, I don’t have a good physical recording location, with decent acoustics and my table/desk situation is a complete disaster, so it is hard to get the microphone well-situated.  All those things aside, however, I hope these files will be useful. I have a file each for the introductory section and the four chapters. There are times when the “voice” is entirely that of Benedict.  At other times I think I can hear a new voice speaking, that of Francis, especially when touching on certain themes.  Can you? UPDATE: I had a note from Libreria Editrice Vaticana asking me to remind you that Liberira Editrice Vaticana has the copyright to the text of Lumen fidei and that you may not reproduce or sell Lumen fidei.  Their exact text to me: La invitiamo per questa volta, ad inserire come referenza il copyright Libreria Editrice Vaticana e che la riproduzione e la vendita sono vietate. So, don’t sell the text to anyone. Share/Bookmark