How to Learn from Past Failure: Intervew with Kelly Hancock

Venus Index show

Summary: It's time for the next interview, today with Kelly Hancock who won the third Venus Index Transformation Contest. Check out her amazing transformation for yourself:   Kelly said that she feels proud of her body and is very happy with the results and she has a damn good reason to be. A lot of things change when you get in shape, not only that other people will act differently toward you, but your own behavior will change as well. For example what people find out after a big transformation (both guys and girls) is that you become a calm and confident person. Things you are not capable of controlling will stop affecting you and the things that are in your control, well you suddenly realize that you can change them, so there is no reason to get upset because of those either. Kelly's Journey Kelly while at school was an active person, she played lots of sports and didn't really worry about her look. Well, as lifestyle changed after school, her weight changed as well. She wasn't playing any sports and with her job stress became a big challenge. Based on this it probably comes as a no surprise that she gained some weight. In 2008 she started doing cardio on the elliptical for an hour every night and eating salad for dinner. She had no idea how to get in shape, but this seemed like a logical approach. She lost about 20 pounds while doing this. Well, because she had no idea how to lose weight and how to keep it off, due to her lifestyle circumstances she gained it all back. This cycle of losing and then regaining continued for a while and was causing her a lot of frustration. She also joined gym and started reading bodybuilding forums, because she was interested in having a toned and defined body and the gym seemed to be the answer. Ultimately she found the Adonis Index that had some great information, but the workouts were focused on guys. Luckily there was a program with the same approach for women, enter the Venus Index. This was what she was looking for all those years. Losing and gaining showed her that she has no control over her body, so she needed to try a different approach and the information provided at Venus Index was logical, based on science and made sense to her. In November 2010 Kelly bought the program and started doing the workout. She was also very active in the Venus Community and learned some great tips there. For example she found out that fat loss is all about calories and that based on the Eat Stop Eat approach many of girls were fasting on a weekly basis. She incorporated that in her lifestyle as well. She wanted to try a little experiment and fasted six days in a row.  It wasn't scary like you might think, she realized that her body could function without food for multiple days, in fact the only side effect was that she  just got bored. No kidding, it's not exactly a fun thing to do. This was good enough proof for her that it works. She wanted to take it to the next level and fast until she got to 130 pounds and ripped. Well, she did exactly what she set out to do. The only issue was that after 12 days of being without food, she ended up blowing it completely. Kelly started massively overeating and beating herself up over that, which lead to overeating again. This wasn't a good experience and she felt ashamed of those months. Today when Kelly is going through her old diary, the feelings come back and like she said, she felt like a failure and was disappointed by what she did. She was intentionally stuffing herself with food, not working out and all this justifying by her studying and making excuses about not having time for the workouts. Ever did something you knew is not right for you, but you did it anyway and just rationalized the behavior afterwards? Like she said, not a very positive chapter of her life. She felt like she let herself, her friends and the girls in the community down.