Jesus Holds The Keys to Death, Hans Kornstra, July 7, 2013

The Rock of KC show

Summary: Rom. 8:1-2 - Two laws are mentioned here: 1. the law of sin and death - the body aging is part of the law of death - this law works in your body and also in yoru soul 2. the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus - what die Jesus do? - Jesus comes and breaks the power of sin,k He paid the ransom. To who? He paid it to the slave owner - darkness - death even outlasts the devil - "The last enemy that will be destroyed is death" 1 Cor. 15:26 - when Jesus died, He took our sins, walked into death, and took hold of the authority of death - David says, "You shall not leave my soul in death" Ps. 16:10, - Jesus says that the gates of death shall not prevail over His church in Matt. 16:18 - as a christian, you have already been transferred from death to life and not even death can separate you from Jesus - don't wait until you're dead to change your future, do it now while you still can - while you're alive - when Jesus knocks at your door, don't try to clean up before letting Him in, let Him in first and let Him help you clean - as a Christian, you're not just going to heaven when you die, you're already transformed and passed from death to life