Episode 49: Top Ten Best Cold War Movies

Do I Dare To Eat  A Peach show

Summary: (And a handful of books.) We wax nostalgic for a little while about the days of yore when we had such deliciously perfect villains for every movie, book, and comic. And then the cruel oppression had to end and people had to get freedom and life got so much harder for us writers. Dang them. Anyway, we both made lists. Rob thought it was all supposed to be movies, but Dan included two books, which made Rob revise his list mid-podcast. And in case you're wondering, Red Dawn didn't make either of our lists, because: have you watched it recently? It's really terrible. (Warning: There are some glitches in the audio where you can't hear Dan, but those glitches disappear at about the 11:30 mark.)