AMU#68 Waiting for (to see) Superman

Ricochet Member Audio Meetup show

Summary: 10cents must have had enough the last few weeks, he provides Nanda and myself a blank slate, which James, RiC. Amy, RB49 and Ed ran the show into talking about reenactments, SuperMan, immigration, books (like Masters and Commander) and stories of honor as well as great leaders like Washington and Charlemagne.  I had to cut my participation short  when my twins showed up after a week away, and just had to tell their stories from their trip. “Audio Meetups are produced by the members of Ricochet, and are not a production of” Ricochet members meet up weekly via phone; for a casual audio conversation. These podcasts are not scripted, as you will soon hear. We simply aim for a free flowing conversation: They happen on alternating Sundays and Mondays just call us at: 7:oo pm Central Time Dial - (218) 632-0550 Enter Access Code - 139584# Here are the next scheduled recording dates:  [please join us for an Audio Meetup] Monday July 8th Sunday July 14th Monday July 22th (without CJ) I'll be on vacation Sunday July 28th The episode is sponsored by  provided by members: RushBabe49 James of England RightinChicago Edward Smith Amy Schley And your Hosts  10cents  Nanda Panjandrum  and CJ  The episode will soon be on iTunes.  Its currently available via the RSS feed. Subscribe to the Audio Meetup Podcast via iTunes or via Stitcher You'll be able to listen from the Mobile Version of the Podcast at: