Fiber Hooligan show

Summary: On the next edition of Fiber Hooligan (07/01/13) my guest will be the very talented and dynamic, Becca Smith, owner of BagSmith. One of the things that I love about Becca's company is that it's really a family operation… Becca's mother, son, and husband have all be involved in the business. BagSmith is perhaps most well known for Big Stitch projects and yarns, worked on size 11 needles and larger (and their size 35 and 50 needles are also very popular). Becca, herself, is a lifelong knitter and longtime fixture in the fiber industry. Becca & BagSmith offers fun, innovative, and creative challenges to an ever-changing market through a line of unique products featured at more than 600 independent yarn shops throughout the United States, Canada, the UK and France. Becca is not only a good friend, she's an 'out of the box' thinker… and it shows in her products and ideas. I hope you'll join us for what should be a very unique episode.