Out Now Bonus - November Holiday Hodgepodge 2012 (Part 1)

Out Now with Aaron and Abe show

Summary: This week’s episode of Out Now with Aaron and Abe is another ambitious experiment. Aaron and Abe decided that due to the many films that came out over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend (sorry non-American listeners), it would be best to have several frequent guests of the show all give their thoughts on some of the various movies released in separate recordings. So what you will get here are thoughts on Life of Pi, Silver Linings Playbook, Rise of the Guardians, Red Dawn, and Hitchcock. The guys are joined by Mark Hobin, Adam Gentry, Mark Johnson, Maxwell Haddad, Jordan Grout, and Liz Manashil, in various segments of the show. There will be certain movies covered multiple times, but hopefully the different guest will provide fresh enough perspectives, making this episode’s experimental format pay off in a good way. So now, if you’ve got an hour (or two) to kill…