Lindsey Martin

Fiber Hooligan show

Summary: On the next edition of Fiber Hooligan (6/10/13) my guest will be Lindsey Martin of Erin Lane Bags. Lindsey is an 8th grade teacher by day and organizational superhero by night. Armed with a sewing machine and design prowess, (from her mom) she is solving the organizational problems of the knit/crochet community. She founded Erin.Lane with her mom 4 years ago with just 5 products. Since first exhibiting at STITCHES, they now have 19 products that organize everything from notions to large blanket projects. Lindsey runs the studio after school & during her planning period (please don't tell her principal). Lindsey is unlike any business person that I know. She's charismatic. She's outspoken. She's more interested in what's real than what is politically correct. And find her a 'breath of fresh air' in the business community. Like most things in Lindsey's life she doesn't do anything the way you would expect. How else can you explain a full teaching schedule & running a small business--total insanity and a dash of creative drive.   This show should be a lot of fun. I hope you'll join us to see what Lindsey will say (I know I'm curious about how it will go).