Backlist To The Future: How Will e-Releasing Out-of-Print Works Change Reading & Publishing?

bookbliss show

Summary: Once, we watched television episodes one-by-one. Now, we devour an entire season at once. The same phenomenon is occurring in book publishing. Out-of-Print books have become a legend today when many readers can access an author’s entire set of works with one easy click. Learn why some publishers are releasing an author’s collection of titles and why eBook companies are buying up backlists. Find out how digital technology has transformed the landscape for publishers and how it’s affecting the business of the publishing industry as a whole. This lively discussion covers the benefits of straddling the choices of print verses eBook and what having both in circulation at the same time means. Discover if the industry has created a new market or if it’s changed the one it had! This panel featured Laura Lippman, author; Lizzie Skurnick, Editor-in-Chief, Lizzie Skurnick Books; Philippa Brophy, President, Sterling Lord Literistic; and Rachel Chou, Chief Marketing Officer, Open Road Integrated Media. Bill Tipper, Managing Editor, Barnes & Noble Review, moderated.