How to create newsletters that sell

Small Business Marketing Show show

Summary: I've written before about the importance of newsletters in your marketing. In fact, if you said to me today "Steve, you've got to choose one and only one marketing method to use from today forward." I'd choose the printed newsletter. Hands down. Why? It allows me to entertain while I sell. It creates consistency and consistency builds trust. It lets me show up differently than almost every competitor (I don't get many printed newsletters anymore…do you?). Most importantly, it gives me an excuse to stay in front of every prospect and client, every month. Last week I sat down with the man known as The Newsletter Guru…Mr. Jim Palmer. Jim is an expert at the use of newsletters in your marketing. In this interview he shares his top tips for creating a newsletter that people actually want to read. (Believe it or not that's important ;-) If you have a newsletter listen to the interview today. If you don't have a newsletter yet…you need this like…yesterday! Enjoy! Steve