Episode 44: Skype Fail

The Paleo View show

Summary: Our forty-fourth show! Ep. 44: SKYPE FAIL In this episode, Stacy and Sarah make-up for a Skype snafu that they ran into after recording this week's amazing show. Listen in on a 'New and Views' only segment, while Sarah and Stacy catch up and plug some teasers on who you can expect on next week's show. The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 44: Skype Fail 0:00 - Introduction 1:19 - News Views Stacy and Sarah are frustrated that after spending over two hours recording an AWESOME show with Amy Kubal on blood sugar regulation, that Skype kept crashing and the show didn't record Sarah and Matt tried re-recording 'Science with Sarah', thinking they would plug it into the larger recording of the show, but every separate recording was corrupt and unusable Both Sarah and Stacy are feeling tired and are doing a shortened chit-chatty show this week, while both walk away at their treadmill desks Can any of you listeners hear the treadmills? Let us know Here is Stacy's treadmill desk Here is Sarah's treadmill desk Matt averages five miles a day at the desk, and Stacy averages two miles a day in the evenings - but she also stands at work, does Crossfit and is training for a 5k Sarah just posted her Beyond Bacon review, as the book's official auntie Sarah is going to Canada for three weeks next month and is way excited since it has been a long time since she traveled back home She will also be working on the book while there The Canada-isms and Sarah's accent will be back in full effect after this trip Stacy looks forward to Sarah's mom popping in on the show Sorry we don't have a real show this week! Stacy and Sarah just wanted to check-in and say hello Amy's show will be re-recorded and shared in a few weeks In the meantime, if you are looking for someone to help you manage your dietary choices you can find her at Robb Wolf's site where she does some consulting or you can tweet her @amykrd Next week we kickoff the Beyond Bacon themed podcasts with Joel Salatin joining us, who actually wrote the forward for Beyond Bacon Sarah recently launched a newsletter - sign up here Stacy and Sarah share Facebook frustrations Sarah finally joined Stacy and created an Instagram account Again, sorry everyone for the chit-chatty show, Sarah and Stacy will be back next week with an amazing show and will have Amy's show up in the weeks to come 22:33 - Outro