Episode 45: Special Guest, Joel Salatin from Polyface Farm

The Paleo View show

Summary: Our forty-fifth show! Ep. 45: Special Guest, Joel Salatin from Polyface Farm! In this episode, Stacy and Sarah are joined by Joel Salatin, proprietor of Polyface Farm, author, and key advocate in the sustainable farming movement, to discuss the health and environmental benefits of pasture-raised meat. The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 45: Special Guest, Joel Salatin from Polyface Farm! 0:00 - Introduction 1:19 - News Views Skype fears were sorted out and it looks like the show is safely recording Sarah has decided to head to Virginia for the Beyond Bacon release party on July 5 - it is her first time away from her family, which she is kind of nervous about, but is way excited! It will not only be the first time that Sarah and Stacy meet, but Sarah will be meeting many other bloggers for the first time as well Beyond Bacon comes out next week! Stacy checked out Joel's Pigs 'n Glens show yesterday and thought it was fantastic and a perfect mesh with this week's show Joel is the proprietor of Polyface Farms, a family-owned farm, he has been in a number of documentaries, and he is an author of several books including Folks this Ain't Normal, Pastured Poultry Profit$, The Sheer Ecstasy of Being a Lunatic Farmer, Family Friendly Farming, Everything I Want to Do is Illegal, he also recently began a video series called Polyface Primer Series Joel is very excited about the videos, which will be streaming online soon, the content is educational and fun Joel also wrote the forward for Beyond Bacon and was one of the reasons why the Paleo Parents started eating sustainably and created their site to share recipes centered around sustainable eating Many people know they need to make changes to their food habits (both cooking and prepping), but they feel overwhelmed, and Beyond Bacon is the perfect book to help move people past that fear Sarah feels that Beyond Bacon will make nose-to-tail cooking more approachable Shannon Hayes is doing great stuff with pastured herbivore, and seeing these enabling pieces coming forward is huge Stacy feels that the whole food movement needs to actually start eating organ meat, stop talking about it and just do it 13:10 - Science with Sarah: How does pasture-raised meat and CAFO-raised meat differ in terms of nutritional content? There are some dramatic differences in the nutritional quality between pasture-raised and CAFO-raised The omega-3 to the omega-6 fatty acid ratio is commonly discussed in the paleo community Pasture-raised meat tends to have a much lower fat content than grain fed Generally the omega-3 to omega-6 ratio in grass-fed meat is 3:1, in grain-fed meat the ratio is anywhere between 4:1 to 20:1 For optimal human health we should be aiming for 1:1 to 4:1 Pasture-raised and grass-fed animals also provide healthy sources of fat, like CLA, which is important for overall health and heart health - and pasture-raised meat and dairy are the richest source of CLA by a long shot Oleic acid is in olive oil, macadamia nut oil, walnut oil, and also pasture-raised meat, oleic acid is known for its healthy heart benefits Even animals that are organically grown and get even 1/3 of their diet from pasture have an improved fat profiles There are a lot of other nutrients that are also higher in grass-fed over grain-fed There are a number of vitamins and minerals that are higher in grass-fed, but it is variable Grass-fed beef can contain up to ten times as much beta-carotene than grain-fed and up to four times as much vitamin-E Both of these vitamins are strong antioxidants, and prevent pasture-raised and grass-fed meats from oxidizing All of the b-vitamins, zinc, iron, phosphorous and potassium are all higher Since pasture-raised animals are outside, their fat also contains vitamin-d, it is non-existent in factory-raised animals Pastured-lard is one of the top three sources of vitamin-d The nutritional content is remarkably higher in