Prayer for the Workplace

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Each day, many people spend 8 or more hours at work. Whether at the office, school or home, it’s still considered work. We interact with co-workers, customers, school mates and family as a part of our daily tasks. But how does God enter into the mundane of our day? For many, He might not. I’ve met many men and women over the years who have told me they aren’t comfortable with sharing their faith. Fear of stressed relationships, or misjudgment, prevents them from speaking about God. If this is true for you, I urge you to simply begin by praying. In John 15:7 Jesus says “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.” Pray for boldness to reach out to your co-workers. Or pray for God to bless them, to open a door to conversation. Perhaps your work relationships are strained right now – pray for God to give you opportunities to fix them. God is with us at work. I encourage you to pray for your co-workers, your boss, your customers. There is such good news and joy in Christ – let’s share it with those that we see every day.