LOTRO Reporter Episode 186 – Tongue Tied and Disconnected

LOTRO Reporter Podcast show

Summary: Chris is back this week, and joined as always by Cari and Layanor. We rose above adversity which is what all good MMO players do and prevailed over an Explosive Rhun. Listen now: What We Did in Game Layanor- Last few days I had a great moors run. I need 217,590 more renown. Thats 41.97% I am now stalker’s-foe “500” And also warleader’s-foe “500” And I have the very rare Veteran title for getting 3010 killing blows. monster slayer tier 1 10 monster slayer tier 2 500 monster slayer tier 3 2,500 Cari - More Inn League Delivery Quests Got the Spring cosmetics I wanted Cyn is now level 62 - Thank you Layanor Thanks to kin members for crafting and LOTRO Reporter letting me know I now have a Second age Sword and Mini Book. I found Rook the crazy Wizard wanna be, again in Rohan. Tomeoric helped me figure out my issue with not getting those four Inn League Quests. I haven't been Irritating enough. Got my doghouse system. It's sweet!!! Chris - Still recovering from last week. Did get to jump in game with Layanor to work on some Update 11 quests, but got frustrated, and ended up looking for one mob for 10 minutes! Did complete some more of the southern farm quests in update 11. News Point Bundles are Changing Starting June 4 http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?513696-Point-Bundle-Changes-coming-June-4th CSTM Did a comparison http://casualstrolltomordor.com/2013/05/changes-to-turbine-points-bundles-starting-june-4th/ It looks like the lowest US bundle changed from 7.99 to 9.99 the TP points changed from 700 to 750. The middle bundle changed from 34.99 to 39.99 with a TP point change from 3,150 to 3,450. I didn't see any other changes for the US Big changes to the EU costs. VAT included pricing changed to take into account currency conversion and fluctuations. If you are in the EU check it out. Store and log on issues should be resolved. http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?514211-Log-In-and-Store-Issues-(6-4-13)&p=6812600#post6812600 If you are still having issues submit a ticket. Rested XP is Functionally 15% http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?&postid=6806704#post6806704 This is working as intended. "In short, the VIP XP bar is working as intended, and as it always had. Before U11, monster kills would consume the increased amount of Rest XP. For example, killing a monster that was worth 100 XP while rested would give 200 XP, and consume 200 Rest XP. Nothing has changed about that." The Spring festival has ended. Steed of Rhun is in the Store http://www.danania.net/2013/06/steed-of-rhun.html FYI: This cosmetic used to drop out of the Warband boxes. Speaking of Steeds Cari was in the store yesterday and the Steed of Minas Eithel and the Steed of Bright days were listed at 1295 TP. I swear they were. Skirmish Barrow downs Survival is down. Nobody seems to know why this is no longer on the list. We can only assume it was a very bad bug, because Turbine does leave skirmishes and raids up if they are mostly working. Draigoch the Jabberwocky! http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?512944-Fun-New-U11-Draigoch-bug Draigoch's body is getting redrawn at the start position during Phase 1, and invisible (but present) at the other positions. This means the head and body are still visible. Most of the other posts are saying other weird things are happening and he will glitch on phase 3. This instance needs to be fixed and we need more bug reports to get it done. Muppet Show: Play at 1:00 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGCJFFxoHJ4 Cari talk. With Cari! TeeHee! Minstrels http://casualstrolltomordor.com/2013/05/lets-talk-about-minstrels/ Vraeden, Alanion and Renani of the Ostgilioth Guard sat down and went over all aspects of the Mini. Community New LOTRO Players Portal from Andang http://lotroplayers.mymiddleearth.com/ Nice Portal for LOTRO Players LOTRO Academy Covers the Types of Accounts