Glass? Who Gives A Sh*t About Glass?

Shoot The Glass show

Summary: We do! And in this episode of Shoot The Glass we talk in depth about the action flick to end all action flicks, the film that catapulted Bruce Willis to the A-list and launched a thousand terrible Alan Rickman impressions, John McTiernan's 1988 masterpiece Die Hard. We go through the film in more or less chronological order and attempt to tease out, moment-by-moment, what makes Die Hard so good. As it turns out there are a lot of things that make it so good, and we decide that maybe we should just go back and watch it again, so much do we love it... along with our Bill Collins picks of the week: McTiernan's other good films Predator and The Hunt for Red October, and two films that share some of Die Hard's action aesthetic, The Bourne Identity and Mission Impossible III. There's an awful lot of genius in Die Hard, and two geeks talking about it for an hour or so isn't going to do full justice to all of the clever and inspired decisions that the film makes, so don't feel aggrieved if we've left out your favourite bit. The music, for example. It's got great music but we don't really get to discuss it. And Jan De Bont's cinematography could probably occupy a whole podcast itself... we can't cover everything, or we'd be recording for a week! But we do give the film a lot of love, and hopefully we find a bit of insight along the way. We also say a fond farewell to the great James Gandolfini, who unexpectedly passed this week. So jump in the limo with Pete and Justin and we'll hit the minibar on the way to Nakatomi Plaza in the latest episode of Shoot the Glass!