Episode 51 ~ Chasing Light – Does It Really Matter? - Shutter Time With Sid and Mac | Photography Podcast

Shutter Time With Sid and Mac | Photography Podcast show

Summary: Shedding Some Light<br> Before we get right to the matter of chasing light in photography, we first touch on something else. The night we recorded this, it was Anti-Bullying Day here in Canada. Please check out the link at the bottom of the post if you need to be further educated on the topic. We bring this up because bullying is often found in the photography world, as frustrating as that is, and we hope to see change in our industry.<br> Getting Yeggie With It<br> Cheers to the folks behind The Edmonton New Media Awards! Mac and I have been nominated in the Arts &amp; Culture category! We appreciate giving our little ol’ podcast some attention to the good folks of Edmonton and area. Congrats to all the other nominees and a little shout out to a fellow podcast based on the movies, Jay n’ J! Stayed tuned, as the awards are dished out May 4th!<br> Light — Does It Matter?<br> Based on a post I found last month on Google Plus, we decided to bring it to the show and discuss the obvious question, does light really matter in photography? Imagine our surprise when we saw some folks chiming in with the mindset that light doesn’t matter and isn’t essential in photography. Btw, we give mad props to those involved in the thread for keeping it relatively decent. For such strong, varying opinions, it was great to see photographers treat each other with respect.<br> Bits n’ Bites, Yo!<br> Where do you stand on today’s world of photography and the tone online conservations can take? Do you participate in posts and threads where the mood suddenly turns ugly, and if so, how do you handle it? Light — what’s your take on it? Do you see your subject first or do you see the light first. Why?<br> Special Shout Out<br> To all photographers who have been bullied or made to feel less adequate because of your work and / or opinions, just know what makes a true photographer is not only talent and skill, but also ethics and generosity towards your fellow photographers, photography enthusiasts, and your fellow human beings. Those with your best intentions in mind will encourage you to keep on shooting and sharing your work. Uh, awkward group hug?<br> Staying Social<br> We are trying to make some noise online, so come on over and join the conversation over at <a href="https://plus.google.com/105742787687012211899/posts?hl=en" target="_blank">Google Plus</a>, <a href="https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/103590117737437825402" target="_blank">our community</a>, <a href="https://twitter.com/shuttertimeshow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/shuttertimeshow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> and of course, check us out and please subscribe for free over yonder at <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/shutter-time-with-sid-and-mac/id468512586" target="_blank">iTunes</a>!<br> Thanks as always for tuning in, folks!<br> Cheers, y’all!<br>  <br> Links from the show:<br> <a href="https://plus.google.com/116043947632177598920/posts/KXzP8MyaMMq" target="_blank">Google Plus Post / via Mike Spinak</a><br> <a href="http://www.moosepeterson.com/blog/2013/02/26/can-one-click-tell-the-story/" target="_blank">Moose Peterson Article</a><br> <a href="http://www.pinkshirtday.ca" target="_blank">Pink Shirt Day in Canada</a><br> <a href="http://www.yeggies.com/nominations/" target="_blank">The Yeggies </a><br> <a href="http://jaynj.ca" target="_blank">Jay n’ J Podcast</a><br>  <br>