Episode 53 ~ It’s A Post-Processing World - Shutter Time With Sid and Mac | Photography Podcast

Shutter Time With Sid and Mac | Photography Podcast show

Summary: And we’re just living in it …<br> <br> For Free, Y’all!<br> We take a look at some of the resources available via photographers who offer their knowledge and insights to making the photography business work for them ….for free. Soaking up the goodness from other photographers is a highly valuable tool to utilize as you build your business and / or nurture your talent. Massive props and many thanks to those incredible working photographers who do so willingly. It won’t be too much of a surprise whose site I flock to the most!<br> Editing Whiz<br> The digital world has made post-processing much easier to stretch your creative mind. The question is, have we gone too far with editing our images these days? Is there such a thing as too much processing in post? With all the software available (yeah, we’re talking to you, Nik by Google!), it’s hard to keep up, but it also gives us that much more to work with. Should we even be editing at all, or always get it 100% right in-camera? We discuss different aspects of post-processing and debate where we think it belongs in today’s photography world.<br> Bits n’ Bites<br> Calling all purists — if you feel editing should never be done in post and the workflow basically stops once you press the shutter button, please chime in and share why you are not a fan of editing! To those who have a post-processing workflow, what software do you prefer to use? Do you love editing images or are you more the fly-by the seat of your pants editor and the quicker it’s done, the better? Getting back to photography resources, do you have your own personal go-to site / photographer? Please share the wealth!<br> Keeping It Social<br> You know we’re chilling over at <a href="https://plus.google.com/105742787687012211899/posts?hl=en" target="_blank">Google Plus</a> these days (though we’re kind of quiet of late, oops!), our <a href="https://plus.google.com/communities/103590117737437825402" target="_blank">lil’ Google Plus community</a>, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/shuttertimeshow" target="_blank">Facebook</a>, <a href="https://twitter.com/ShutterTimeShow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>, and of course, you can subscribe for free via <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/shutter-time-with-sid-and-mac/id468512586" target="_blank">iTunes</a>!  If you have the <a href="http://stitcher.com/s/player.php?fid=32152&amp;refid=stpr" target="_blank">Stitcher App</a>, you can also find us there!<br> Thanks as always for tuning in, folks!<br> Cheers, y’all!<br>  <br> Links from the show:<br> <a href="http://www.moosepeterson.com/blog/" target="_blank">Moose Peterson’s Site</a><br> <a href="http://ricksammon.com/blog2/2013/3/26/get-the-entire-nik-collection-by-google-for-only-12665-with-my-discount" target="_blank">Rick Sammon’s Nik Discount</a> (note: no clue how long this offer stands; just throwing it out there!)<br> <a href="http://www.niksoftware.com/nikcollection/usa/index.php?view=intro%2Fmain.shtml" target="_blank">Nik Collection by Google</a><br> <a href="http://oopoomoo.com/2012/03/personal-style-is-your-camera-determining-yours/" target="_blank">Side by Side Comparison – Canon vs Nikon Raw Files </a>/ oopoomoo<br> <a href="http://www.ononesoftware.com" target="_blank">OnOne Software</a><br> <a href="http://www.adobe.com/ca/products/photoshop-lightroom.html" target="_blank">Lightroom 4</a><br> <a href="http://vsco.co/film" target="_blank">VSCO Film Presets</a><br> <a href="http://lightroomkillertips.com" target="_blank">Lightroom Killer Tips</a> / Matt Kloskowski<br> <a href="http://danjurak.wordpress.com" target="_blank">Dan Jurak Photography</a><br>  <br>