Episode 54 ~ The Mirrorless Evolution - Shutter Time With Sid and Mac | Photography Podcast

Shutter Time With Sid and Mac | Photography Podcast show

Summary: Oh how far the mirrorless camera has come. But first …<br> <br>  <br> NAB Show 2013<br> I never made it to NAB this year, but fortunately <a href="http://8framedissolve.com" target="_blank">my good mate</a> did and even though he’s a video editor, he made sure to keep me humming with iPhone snaps of fresh camera gear. What really made me take notice was the <a href="http://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/blackmagicpocketcinemacamera/" target="_blank">Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera</a>. Since this isn’t a video podcast, I’ll let y’all read the scoop, but after missing NAB yet again, I’ll definitely be NAB bound in 2014, y’all!<br> They’ve Come A Long Way, Baby<br> Early 2012 in <a href="http://shuttertimewithsidandmac.com/2012/01/26/episode-14-hardbodies/" target="_blank">episode 14</a>, Mac and I, the judgemental pusses that we are, chatted about mirrorless camera systems that seemed to be making photographers take note, many making the switch from the DLSR lineup, with some even predicting the slow demise of the DSLR. Ridiculous, right? Well, having both been swayed since by a little camera called the Fuji X-Pro 1, we have changed our tune … to some degree. We chat about how far these little mirrorless camera systems have come and whether or not they have lived up to the hype. We also go over some of the aspects of these systems many photographers don’t really talk about, and elements one should possibly factor in before making the switch. Mirrorless cameras are not for everyone, and this is where we as co-hosts are divided … Mirrorless Cameras vs. DSLRS. It’s off the hook, yo!<br> Oops<br> We were so caught up in our rambles we forgot to mention the updates for <a href="http://blogs.adobe.com/lightroomjournal/2013/04/lightroom-4-4-now-available.html" target="_blank">Lightroom 4.4</a>. It’s now out of beta mode and ready for final release, so don’t forget to <a href="http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=5567" target="_blank">update</a>! If you’re rocking the Fuji mirrorless cameras, you will be happy some of the previous bugs have been rectified.<br> Bits n’ Bites<br> Have you ever trekked to Vegas (baby!) for NAB? If so, what are your thoughts about it from a photographer’s POV? I’d absolutely love to hear about it. Are you shooting with DSLRS or mirrorless cameras? Please link us up so we can check out the images. If you have made the switch, we’d love to hear about the process and if you feel you’ve made the right decision. Also, do you even miss your DSLRS?<br> Keeping It Social<br> You’ve guessed it — we’re in a number of places on the ol’ internets, such as <a href="https://plus.google.com/105742787687012211899/posts?hl=en" target="_blank">Google Plus</a>, our (too quiet!) <a href="https://plus.google.com/communities/103590117737437825402" target="_blank">G+ community</a>, <a href="https://twitter.com/ShutterTimeShow" target="_blank">Twitter</a>, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/shuttertimeshow" target="_blank">Facebook</a> and of course, we’re available via <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/shutter-time-with-sid-and-mac/id468512586" target="_blank">iTunes</a> where you can subscribe for free. If you have the <a href="http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/shutter-time-with-sid-and-mac-photography-podcast" target="_blank">Sticher app</a>, you can check us out there as well.  We’d love to hear your feedback and any questions or show suggestions, please leave us a comment!<br> Thanks for tuning in!<br> Cheers, y’all!<br>  <br> Links from the show:<br> <a href="http://www.nabshow.com" target="_blank">NAB Show 2013</a><br> <a href="http://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/blackmagicpocketcinemacamera/" target="_blank">Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera</a><br> <a href="http://photofocus."></a>