The Geekcast #352 – WWDC and E3. Best Day Ever!

The Geekcast show

Summary:   News:   E3   YOU DON'T KNOW JACK is coming to OUYA with a brand new feature called party play that allows players to turn their iPhone, iPad or Android device into additional game controllers. Players become contestants in a truly interactive game show experience, complete with cash, prizes, backstage characters, pounding music, bizarre sound effects and your lovable but verbally sassy host, Cookie Masterson. WWDC   ************   Geek This Week:   Aaron:   Gozer:   ************* Feedback and items of Note:   Hi Guys!   Despite not feeling very positive about the Xbox One I was taken a back when I saw some of the quality of the games that appeared at E3.   I think I will be leaving it a year at least so they can iron out the kinks -as we know there will be tons of them!   One thing that did get me excited and when I say excited I mean I nearly bounced off the wall, was the new Halo teaser.   Check out this YouTube video which although is about Skyrim totally sums up how I feel about a new Halo game! (Video is just called Skyrim if the link won't work)   Can't wait to see what happens over the next while with Xbox One.   As always love the show -Barry Cork, Ireland Hey guys! I just listened to your most recent episode and I just wanted to clarify that I wanted to be like Steve Jobs in that he is a visionary and not his personality. Also I got mailbox and I am loving it! As always love the show Dawson Glad to see you guys back. I'm catching up on my podcasts and was hoping you didn't disappear after I was reconfiguring my podcast tool on my brand new gs4, which I love BTW. Actually I could not go to an iPhone, even a 5 now because the screen is to small. I use different mobile smart phones at work to test our software and was using the iPhone 5 and felt like it was a little toy compared to my gs4. Of course note 2 looks huge even compared to my phone. I digress. The reason I'm writing is to provide some insight into some rather bleeding edge tech. I am in a position to be able to affoard some of the higher priced toys. So my most recent purchase is the Sony 65 inch 4k TV. My wife tends to keep in control from going of the deep end so the 85 inch model was nixed. Jk, 25k on a TV... that's even to rich for most of the people I work with who have a lot more money than me. So, the Sony 4k. Design wise, gorgeous, the speakers are built in, which is odd because for a high end consumer, speakers on a TV are useless since most if not all will have a surround sound system. Its not a deal breaker by any means though. 4k content, well its hard to come by. I upgraded my media center to display 4k content, doesn't take much a 7000 series card can do it pretty well. I ran some 4k YouTube clips and its absolutely beautiful. The installers who hung this thing on the wall for us hung around to see me get the media center hooked up because they never seen 4k up close. Now I am in a rathole of HDMI switches and splitters, not fun. A lot of returns to Amazon for devices that claim to be 3d compatible or 4k compatible and are not. 3d is generally a gimmick, but on this TV at this size with how clear it is, with passive glasses, it works and its awesome. So from the bleeding edge signing off.   Yakov Hey Aaron and Gozer,   So you guys have been run off your feet of late eh? Yes, parenthood does that! How did our parents ever cope?!   Taking time out for your family isn't a bad thing. And it's not something you guys need to apologise for. This is something you do for fun, so make it as fun as you can when you do it!   Onto some show thoughts.   1) PS 4 vs XBOX ONE. I'm really bummed about the XBox One. I wanted it to be so much better, but it feels like Microsoft has totally lost its way. I don't think we'll be buying a console unless there's a killer game that Kate wants.