11. Guitar Theory Lessons on Twitter

Guitar Music Theory Lessons - Desi Serna show

Summary: I use my guitar forum, blog, and Twitter page to answer questions and post links to free guitar theory lessons. I'm also on Facebook and Myspace networking and chatting with guitar playing friends. Join me online today and start receiving updates about my online activity. Also, feel free to send me your comments and questions. Play Until Yer Fingers Bleed! Mr. Desi Serna Website: http://Guitar-Music-Theory.com Blog: http://guitarmusictheory.blogspot.com YouTube: http://youtube.com/GuitarMusicTheoryTab Twitter: http://twitter.com/MrGuitarTheory Facebook: http://facebook.com/desi.serna Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/guitarmusictheory Podcast: Search Desi Serna at iTunes