Jay Beale: Discovering Mac OS X Weaknesses and Fixing Them with the New Bastille OS X Port

DEFCON 14: [Video] Speeches from the hacker conventions show

Summary: Abstract: The Mac OS X operating system is beautiful, but it?s not as secure as you think. It?s mostly Unix under that shiny GUI and while we?ve come to expect a very locked down system from recent Unix/Linux releases, that expectation isn?t entirely realistic when it comes to OS X. For instance, the firewall GUI tool makes it seem like you can create a default-deny firewall that only lets packets from established sessions in. The firewall it produces, though, is full of holes! Whatever you do, don?t take your OS X laptop onto the wireless network here! Write your own replacement or take the one we?ll offer in this talk, where we?ll introduce the new OS X port of the popular Bastille Linux system lockdown and audit tool, Bastille OS X. Bastille increases the security of OS X systems. It starts by building a real firewall configuration that you can tune to your needs. It continues by deactivating services like the information-leaking Bonjour service, which a remote attacker can use to get your Security Update (patch bundle) level, hardware versions and machine name. Finally, it configures the remaining operating system components, doing things like isolating local users from the service that gives them the length of all users? passwords. There?s a lot more than that, though. Come learn about OS X security, learn how to harden and see the newest part of the Bastille family: Bastille OS X! Bio: Jay Beale is a information security specialist, well known for his work on mitigation technology, specifically in the form of operating system and application hardening. He's written two of the most popular tools in this space: Bastille Linux, a system lockdown and audit tool that introduced a vital security-training component, and the Center for Internet Security's Unix Scoring Tool. Both are used worldwide throughout private industry and government. Through Bastille and his work with the Center, Jay has provided leadership in the Linux system hardening space, participating in efforts to set, audit, and implement standards for Linux/Unix security within industry and government. He also focuses his energies on the OVAL project, where he works with government and industry to standardize and improve the field of vulnerability assessment. Jay is also a member of the Honeynet Project, working on tool development. Jay has served as an invited speaker at a variety of conferences worldwide as well as government symposia. He's written for Information Security Magazine, SecurityFocus, and the now-defunct SecurityPortal.com. He has worked on five books in the Information Security space. Three of these make up his Open Source Security Series, while two are technical works of fiction in the "Stealing the Network" series. Jay makes his living as a security consultant with the firm Intelguardians, which he co-founded with industry leaders Ed Skoudis, Eric Cole, Mike Poor, Bob Hillery and Jim Alderson, where his work in penetration testing allows him to focus on attack as well as defense. Prior to consulting, Jay served as the Security Team Director for MandrakeSoft, helping set company strategy, design security products, and pushing security into the third largest retail Linux distribution.