D P BuZZ - June 06, 2013

Digital Production BuZZ (AAC) show

Summary: <p> Join Larry Jordan and Mike Horton LIVE this week as they talk with:</p> <p> Sean Stack, Colorist and Finishing Editor, Alpha Dogs, and Matt Jackson, Director, “Love in the Time of Monsters”</p> <p> What color is a zombie? When Director, Matt Jackson, brought “Love in the Time of Monsters” to Sean Stack, Colorist and Finishing Editor at Alpha Dogs in Burbank, CA, this was more than an idle question. This week, we speak with both Matt and Sean to learn how they approached creating the final color “look” of the film, and why picking the right color for a zombie was so difficult.</p> <p> Nick Gold, Director of Business Development, Chesapeake Systems</p> <p> As media files continue to grow ever larger, it becomes more and more difficult to store files locally at the computer. Instead, we need to move them to a network-attached device, called a “SAN,” so that those media files can be accessed from more than one computer. But what’s the best way to do than and what gear should you consider? Nick Gold, Director of Business Development for storage developer Chesapeake Systems, stops by this week to explain their new SAN Fusion system.</p> <p> Sean Safreed, Co-founder and CTO, Red Giant</p> <p> When Red Giant announced their newest product it got a lot of attention. Not because it created pretty effects, but because it helped to manage and protect editing projects. As “BulletProof” wraps up beta testing and gets ready for release, Sean Safreed, Co-founder of Red Giant, tells us what Bulletproof is and why so many people are so excited about it.</p> <p> Wendy Woodhall, Co-founder/Executive Director, Los Angeles Post Production Group</p> <p> Post-production is part technology, part craft, and part story-telling. And no one knows that better than the Los Angeles Post Production Group, a user group that looks more at techniques than technology. This LA-based user group has a birthday coming up and co-founder Wendy Woodhall stops by to celebrate.</p>