TMW Episode 6: Everything You Need To Know About Gluten

Amy Myers, MD  Functional Medicine » Podcast Feed show

Summary:     TMW Episode 6 - Everything You Need To Know About Gluten The Basics What is Gluten? Why is there so much talk about Gluten today? Tell us a little about how the spectrum of intensity of gluten. What differences have you seen with your patients? What is leaky gut?   Symptoms of Celiac and Gluten Intolerance What are some of the major symptoms you have seen? What are the symptoms where it is essential to remove gluten?   Testing for Celiac and Gluten Intolerance How do we know where we fall on the spectrum of intensity? If we remove gluten for 3 weeks, and have problems when we reintroduce it, could this also because we have removed it for three weeks or more (our gut ecology changes), not because we have a problem with it? In podcast #2 about the Myer’s way, we talked about Leaky Gut and testing. You said that food sensitivity testing is accurate but When you test for food sensitivities and have leaky gut, foods that you eat often might show up, you have the example of spinach, when you create a person elimination diet, do you remove all the foods that have triggered a response?   Treatment of Celiac and Gluten Intolerance So if we discover we have an issue, what do we do next? How do we deal with this? Gluten and Cross-Reactivity Let’s go deeper into the gluten question. Let’s say I have removed gluten, but I’m still experiencing symptoms, maybe after have dairy or coffee. What’s going on? What is cross-reactivity and how does it work? Most common cross-reactive foods? Now if you do have severe symptoms, have you had patients who needed to remove all those foods. Is there any rule of thumb for how long someone needs to remove these foods? So I’ve removed all these foods, how do I know if I am “healed” from leaky gut?   Hidden Sources of Gluten In your guide, you talk about the hidden sources of gluten. This is something that you really emphasize. Some of the examples you cite are shampoos, medications, playdough, even stamps. Can these items really cause a reaction? How to stay gluten free So you have decided to go gluten-free and are overwhelmed by the enormity of the task.  Do you have any tips for beginners?   Get The Myers Way Guide To Gluten Free Living here.   Please post below in the comments: 1. How did you discover that you were gluten intolerant or have celiacs? 2. Tell me the difference you have seen from going gluten-free?  The post TMW Episode 6: Everything You Need To Know About Gluten appeared first on Amy Myers, MD Functional Medicine » Podcast Feed.The post TMW Episode 6: Everything You Need To Know About Gluten appeared first on Amy Myers, MD Functional Medicine » Podcast Feed.