Fiber Hooligan show

Summary: On the next edition of Fiber Hooligan, my guest will be the very funny and talented Myra Wood. Myra is a fiber artist, both a knit and crochet wear designer, and author of Crazy Lace and Creative Crochet Lace along with numerous published patterns in magazines and books. She's appeared on numerious TV shows including Knitty Gritty & Knit and Crochet Now. Myra teaches a wide range of inspiring knit and crochet classes for STITCHES Expos and She'll be joining us to talk about her design sensibilities, how she approaches design, as well as to talk about a special project that she's working on. We'll also be having the winner of the guest co-hooligan contest, Mary Sarnese, on the show to help with Myra's interview. You won't want to miss this episode.