Laura Bryant

Fiber Hooligan show

Summary: On the next edition of Fiber Hooligan (5/13/13), my guest will be Laura Bryant, owner and creative force behind Prism Yarns. Laura specializes in color & hand-dyed yarns, and has published over 70 pattern booklets for Prism. Laura has written six books, including The Yarn Stash Workbook, The New Knitter's Template (coauthored with Barry Klein), and recently produced the DVD Knitter's Guide to Color with Laura Bryant and Yarn to Fit with Barry Klein. Her newest book newest book is Artful Color, Mindful Knits from XRX Books. She teaches and designs with a 'no rules' approach, and her very popular classes are designed to bring out the creativity within all of us. Laura will be sharing her story with us… and talking about her inspirations and her take on the fiber arts world. She is one of smartest people in the industry. You owe it to yourself to NOT miss this podcast episode.