LOTL Welcomes "Les Dion’s new release, Back 2 Smooth,

LOTL-Radio The Comfort Zone show

Summary: Since the age of 12 Les Dion has persued his musical dream of singing, songwriting, and producing with multiple Major Recording deals. 40 years of quietly moving and working behind the scenes, the time has arrived for the world to discover the extraordinary gifts of this amazing new Artist. If Faith is the answer to fear.....and love is the answer to lose.....then Les Dion is the answer to today's R&B/Jazz music. The message in his music is insiteful, uplifting, and sometimes challenging. Jump onboard as Les prepares to release the long awaited debut Album "Back 2 Smooth" on the EMG Music Group Label. Listen to music as it was suppose to be made....with passion....soul....and integrity, follow the magic of Les Dion at: www.lesdion.com and www.twitter.com/les_dion