LOTL Welcomes Marshall Thompson of The Chi-lites,

LOTL-Radio The Comfort Zone show

Summary:   PRESS RELEASE: Chicago, IL April 16, 2013 The Chi-lites featuring Marshall Thompson is proud to announce the re-release of “Hot On A Thing” (Called Love) on the world-renowned Music Plant label along with MusicQuest and Mar-Ance Records. Marshall, along with one of his best friends, legendary promotion man Gus Redmond, teamed up with Billboard’s Top 10 Artist of the Decade- Georgie Porgie.  Marshall and Gus had brought Georgie an idea to remake one of the great original titles. Georgie decided to go with “Hot On A Thing” (Called Love). Georgie took the song into a contemporary R&B feel of today, with an incredible vocal performance by Marshall!   Marshall, being one of the founding members of the Chi-lites, has experienced such an amazing journey that this new chapter has moved him to proclaim; “ What an honor it is for me to continue producing fresh, new hits like the re-make of “Hot on the Thing (Called Love),” after already being blessed with 53 years in the music business with The Chi-Lites!  It’s all due to the great team work of my co-producers, Gus Redmond of MusicQuest Entertainment, Georgie Porgie of Music Plant Group and of course the team at my label, Mar-ance Records. A huge thank you goes out to everyone. We ALL went to work and got it done!”