Want To Be More Productive…Train Your Brain [Episode #67]

Successful Women Talk | Relationship Marketing | Work-Life Integration | Productivity | Online Marketing | Social Media | Content Marketing show

Summary: Amy Brann is my guest today and we're talking about how to train your brain. Better yet...we go into detail on her new book How To Make Your Brain Work with a focus on how to maximize your efficiencies, productivity and effectiveness. It's not brain surgery, but it is neuroscience and Amy has a knack for breaking it down into simple, understandable tips and tricks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mSKlztG1Rc Here are some actionable highlights from our Interview: Don't Let Your Fear Limit You - Amy knew from early on that she wanted to be a doctor.  Even after starting medical school, she decided to take a different path...tough decision, but she followed her gut and dream. Learn to Listen to your gut -- it's not easy to change paths or create your own path, but don't be afraid to try.  Amy knew nothing about business, but decided she would be an amazing women entrepreneur and she chose a path to get her there. Share your gifts -- Amy's decision to write her book stemmed from her need to help others.  She even overcame the fear of not getting published. Never underestimate the Power of Storytelling - this was the decision for her writing a parable instead of a How To book. Prioritization is key for productivity - .Know what needs to be done, picture your goals and start with an end in mind Discuss the myth of Multitasking - basically...it can't be done well and Amy will show you why. To be optimally Productive, you need to minimize Distractions - it's a little worse for women and Amy provides a few tips for overcoming distractions. Get things out of your head -- create a repository and system for tracking and following up with throughs, tasks and to do's, but don't keep it in your head. Embrace the Power of Habits - we talk about what they are and how they work. Best Productivity Tip for Women Entrepreneurs - Be mindful, specific, and super clear on what it is that you want to do. About guest Amy Brann             Amy Brann is a thought leader in the field of human potential. Leaving UCL medical school to pursue a Coaching career she became fascinated by what the brain can teach us to help transform thinking & performance. Participating in over 12,000 hours of Coaching with clients all over the world. Amy has consulted to companies in Europe, Asia and Australia and enjoys delivering interactive talks and workshops. Her company is pursuing research opportunities to advance the practical applications of what neuroscience can bring to businesses. Amy passionately delivers the message that you have a huge amount of potential that can be better accessed if you understand how to work with your brain optimally. She currently loves living in Birmingham, UK, with her husband, daughter and little dog. Links Mentioned: Amy on Twitter Amy on LinkedIn Synaptic Potential Make Your Brain Work Book Site See Other Stories From Amazing Women Entrepreneurs Farnoosh Brock on Redefining Your Truth Sandy Sidhu on From Stuck To Unstoppable Live Giant, Shelia www.successfulwomentalk.com