My Non Profit.... - Apr 10,2013

Let Me Strive to Never Be Defined show

Summary: Join these two pages please? non-profit if anyone wants to review or join. from page:"I don't want to go over the whole story. Ya'll know it by now. I was raped 6 years ago, drugged with prozac so much I suppressed the pregnancy for 7 months and I didnt want to abort her, long story we almost died, we had 1 month of bliss together, I picked out the "perfect" parents for her. I signed about my rights to her and gave her to the gov't (while still on drugs and scared like all the girls at the dorms I was in) and I havent seen her since April 15th 2008. She is 5 today. I promised myself I'd hold her before then. I love my daughter, I'd die for her. that's the gist. ""Just got off the phone with Jordan Page, man I love that guy. Going to meet with him and his wife this week to discuss and set up a new long-term funding opportunity for my non-profit (my mission in life, saving kids and families) Anyways it's really cool and I am so excited. I suck at raising money or asking for donations, and this way people can help while getting something in return, something awesome (I won't say what, cause I might not describe & give it justice) It's awesome cause all of it helps people, there is no side that doesn't gain. And we save children's lives in a totally new way. So if you're tired of seeing all talk and no action. Well, just wait and see what's coming! Thanks Brett Pedersen for forwarding me the post of his. I might have missed it! I don't usually talk about my non-profit that much on here, cause I have another profile for that! (BirthMom BirthMom e. Donna G. Paul actually wrote a book that will be