Sexy SEO Girls on Matt Cutts Penguin 2.0

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Summary: In a recent Twitter post, Matt Cutts announced Penguin 2.0 will be released in the upcoming weeks. Earlier he announced 9 new changes Google will be implementing on the next algorithm update.  Our sexy news announcer created a video with a short summary of Matt Cutts Penguin 2.0 update. 1. More Penguin Updates to Come This is only the first in the upcoming series of Penguin Algorithm changes to come. Penguin 2.0 will go deeper and affect more websites. Penguin targets websites that uses spam tools to create artificial backlinks. You know what tools these are, the ones with that have names that include the words “nuke”, “dominator” or “brute force”... etc. You should probably stop using them. 2. Google No Likey Advertorials People publishing advertorials to get more backlinks and Matt Cutts stated that non-nofollow links from these violate Google's webmaster guidelines.  So don't purchase advertorials. 3. Spammy Related Queries Will Get Canned Porn, Pay Day Loans and Check Cashing should see a big hit due to the terms tend to attrack more spam than other queries.  Google will be taking a much closer look at these queries.  Most likely those targeting these terms are going to take a significant hit. 4. Link Networks are a No No Matt Cutts said Google is going to go to the source to make sure these links become less attractive.  Link networks have taken big hits in the past and watch as more go down the tubes.  It has also been rumored in the past by having links from these places will negatively affect your rankings. 5. Analyze Backlinks Better In the early stages of Penguin 2.0 a more sophisticated link analysis will be taking place to understand backlinks better.  Forum post links will probably be devalued while editorial links will increase.  We will have to see how that one turns out. 6. Improved Communication With Hacked Websites Google is working to improve detection of hacked websites as well as improve webmaster communication about the hacked websites. 7. Authority Websites Will See A Ranking Boost If a website is showing authority within their category, they will most likely see a ranking boost. 8. Panda Will Become Less Strict Matt Cutts said many websites affected by the Panda update were on the border of good vs. bad.  Google is now looking at other quality metrics to enable them to make sure that a good website will not be affected by the Panda algorithm.  Panda focuses on those sites with low quality content. 9. Fewer Domain Clusters on Page 1 Results Matt Cutts said that they will be reducing the number of domain clusters on the first page of results this year.  Google wants a more diverse selection of results on the first page with possibly the second page having more domain clusters.   In his announcement, Matt Cutts states that Google is looking to reduce the number of webmaster that use black hat and spammy techniques to artificially influence search engine results. Either way, this is going to be a fun ride! Please post your comments and questions below and tell Lisa that you love her!!! Bryan Knowlton Your Boss Blows