The Week in Review - week ending 24 May 2013

RNZ: The Week In Review show

Summary: A review of the week's news on Radio New Zealand including: police conduct watchdog says officers' actions during 2007 Ruatoki raids were unlawful, unjustified and unreasonable, new report says Pacific people are the lowest paid and least employed of any community in New Zealand, Murry McCully tells US secretary of state John Kerry NZ will do its bit to support Palestinians-Israel peace process, electricity survey finds a third of people struggle to heat their homes, Hamilton City becomes first council in New Zealand to vote in favour of paying its staff a "living wage", environmentalists horrified at Minister of Conservation's okaying of mining on Denniston Plateau but job-hungry locals delighted, High Court challenge to hospital smoking ban in mental health units, Government's drug-buying agency accused of "terrifying abuse of power", calls for Minister for Primary Industries to step down after China meat blockade, waka return from Rapanui to rapturous welcome, music labels still very much in charge of New Zealand music business.