Shelly Palmer Radio Report – May 22, 2013

Shelly Palmer Digital Living - Daily Radio Report show

Summary: Twitter is a great way to get a message or a link out to the world of people who care what you have to say … but what if you mistype or send the wrong URL? If people have re-tweeted you, things can get tricky pretty quickly. That’s where Retwact comes into play. Retwact lets you write a retraction tweet or send an #RTRetract message, which goes out to everyone who re-tweeted the mistake through the @Retwact Twitter account, showing them the original and corrected tweets side-by-side. While the service is fairly limited – you can only choose from the last five tweets you’ve sent and the messages only go out to the people who re-tweeted you, not the people who may have seen that re-tweet – it’s a great first step in helping clean up a social media mistake you may have made. What you put online stays online forever – but with Retwact, at least we can help make sure what’s out there is accurate.