The Phileas Club - S5. Atheism for dummies

The Phileas Club show

Summary: As you can imagine, this show talks about Atheists and their views. When I mentioned I wanted to do a show on the topic, I got more interest from readers and followers than ever before. Many offered to be on the show, which I am very thankful for; I am sorry I couldn't include everyone who offered their input. We did manage to assemble an excellent panel though, and while we did tackle Atheism in all the ways I hoped we would, we also talked about many topics related to it. It is inevitable I suppose; as this is one of the most debated issues I know, we couldn't really expect to focus solely on that one idea. I hope that listeners will get both information and entertainment out of the show, and I do welcome any comment on the blog. Each time we have discussed a controversial topic after one of my blog posts, we have managed to keep things civilized and polite, and my wish for this one (if people wish to discuss) is that it stays that way. I'm confident we will (because we're all so awesome :) but it bears repeating... Thanks again to the panelists, and thanks even more to you for listening. On this episode, your hosts: * Patrick Beja from France * Julio from Argentina / Netherlands * Kirsten from US * Tom from US * Shawn from US