Warning: Work-Life Balance Is a Myth [Episode #66]

Successful Women Talk | Relationship Marketing | Work-Life Integration | Productivity | Online Marketing | Social Media | Content Marketing show

Summary: Teresa Taylor is my guest today and we're discussing the myth of Work-Life Balance.  Yep...it's a myth, so you can stop beating yourself up trying to achieve it. Teresa is a mom, telecom executive, author and all around inspirational role model for women.  She recently wrote a book titled The Balance Myth: Rethinking Work-Life Success. Check out my interview with Teresa to learn more about her story and how she stopped chasing the myth of work-life balance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt8LXjoTbjU Here are some actionable highlights from our Interview: Push Through Adversity - Life throws us each unique challenges, but it's important to focus on your goal and figure out how to move past adversity and not let it paralyze you. You Will Find Peace When You Realize "Balance" is a Myth - Work-Life Balance is a Myth! You are one person, so there is no need to try and separate your personal life from business.  It's easier to manage one life, one calendar, on you.  You Cannot Be Happy at Work If You're Unhappy At Home - This goes the opposite way as well.  Teresa describes this as layers. Remember That Small Things Make a Big Difference In the Lives of Your Children and Employees - Celebrate the small things - compliment small wins. Realize The Triggers - You will know it when you are at a tipping point between work and family.  It's important to find your rhythm. Find Your Why - Teresa discussed how her seeing women dropping out of the work force inspired her to write her book.  She wants to show other women that YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL. Stop Putting So Much Pressure on Yourself - Give yourself permission to not be perfect. Learn Good Time Management Skills - This is key to you not feeling overwhelmed. About guest Teresa Taylor                       Try to tell Teresa Taylor about the corporate glass ceiling and she will quickly tell you about the glass elevator, and how she ascended through the ranks of one of the nation’s largest utility firms to become a respected leader and change agent. Throughout her career, Teresa nurtured and built a legacy of pioneering entrepreneurship, vision and demonstrated leadership that earned her praise by investor media, shareholders, customers and employees. This former Chief Operating Officer of Qwest Communications is now CEO of Blue Valley Advisers, LLC, where she leverages her experience, passion and talents to advise companies and endeavors. Links Mentioned: Teresa Taylor's Main Website Balance Myth Book Live Giant, Shelia www.successfulwomentalk.com