#004: Practicing Generosity with Jeff Goins [Podcast]

The Artist's Suitcase Podcast | Essentials for the Creative Journey show

Summary: In this episode I Interview Jeff Goins, an prominent author who blogs at goinswriter.com. He is the author of the book "Wrecked: When a Broken World Slams Into Your Comfortable Life" which released last year. He is also the creator of Tribe Writers, online writing course that has been very successful. I have been following Jeff's writing for about a year and took his Tribe Writers course. He is a huge proponent of generosity and has a great deal of practical wisdom for all of us who are creating art. What You'll Learn in This Episode How Jeff became involved in writing Why we should be generous, and what it means to be generous in concrete terms Why sometimes people don't value things until they have to pay for them How we can surprise and delight those we serve Why Jeff doesn't consider his books and products truly "his" and why he doesn't take total credit for their success Why charging people for some things actually serves them better The surprising story of why Jeff created the Tribe Writers course What kind of guitars Jeff plays! Resources Mentioned in This Episode Blog: GoinsWriter.com Writing Course: Tribe Writers Book: Wrecked: When a Broken World Slams Into Your Comfortable Life by Jeff Goins Book: You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One) by Jeff Goins Book: The Writer's Manifesto by Jeff Goins (you can also receive this free when you sign up for Jeff's newsletter) Quotables "Being generous is its own reward. When you give, you get." "I always want my audience to be getting more value than I'm getting." "There is a small difference in terms of effort between the status quo and generosity." "Art is not engineering; there are surprises along the way in the creative process." "Sometimes the best way you can serve your audience is to raise the barrier for entry." "If something is important to you, you will pay something for it. The more you pay for it, the more you value it." Subscribe If you enjoy the show, please subscribe! (You can also access the show through podcast apps such as Stitcher, Downcast and Instacast.) iTunes RSS     Feedback and Ratings I want to hear from you! If you have an idea for a guest or a show topic, please let me know. You can send me voice message by clicking the "Send Kent a message" link on the right side of the website, or you can email me at kent@artistssuitcase.com. I'd also be grateful if you rate the podcast on iTunes to help keep it visible so others can discover it. Thanks so much!