49 | Recently Deceased, Recently Shrunk

Hockey Masks, High Schools and Popcorn show

Summary: Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice! We just conjured up this week's episode featuring "Beetlejuice" (1988)! Michael Keaton is frightfully funny in this comedy about the afterlife. We're back after watching it and giving our two cents and our current ratings after last week's nostalgic discussion. Does this movie stand a ghost of a chance of holding up after all these years or is Michael Keaton the only ghost with the most in this flick? Once we give up the ghost... we'll move on to our next movie in preparation for our special 50th episode next week. The world looks a lot bigger and introduces unexpected dangers when you're only a quarter of an inch tall in this comedy/adventure from 1989. Finally, we'll give some hints to what's happening on our 50th episode, including some info about our special guests and of our 50th episode contest we've been hinting about. It's almost here! Amazon.com Widgets