The MCAN Climate Minute - News from Hotlanta, DC, and Boston

The Climate Minute show

Summary: Good morning everybody and welcome to the MCAN Climate Minute(s).  (Old friend Susan suggested we're being misleading by calling this the Climate Minute, when in fact it's pretty close to the Climate Half-Hour.  We'll, that just doesn't have the zip of "Climate Minute," so we'll stick with that and thank you for sparing the time for our ramblings.) So Ted's back in New England after a few days in Atlanta at the USCAN annual meeting.  He's filled with new ideas and interesting tidbits, here are a few links to things we mentioned in the coversation: To find the Climate Reality Project's videos, go here.  They're YouTube videos and easily embedable and shareable, perfect to send to that Uncle Joe who just doesn't quite get it yet... We've also found definitions for solastalgia, and petcoke - one is the after-product of distilling dilbit and burned as coal would be, but 5-10% more carbon intensive, while the former is the psychological distress people feel about climate change and environmental destruction.   For extra credit, there's metallurgical coal, which is the stuff you need for steel -- which we will still need even if we move off coal power. Ted picked up a couple of new catchphrases in Atlanta, for instance: "Keystone Pipeline is a pipeline through the US, not to the US," and "Stop making electricity by burning stuff," and finally "We need a FAB treaty; Fair, Ambitious  and Binding" at the next Conference of the Parties meeting in Poland in 2013. For more information about the European airlines emission trading process, check this out. Vice President Biden spilled the beans on his opposition to the Keystone pipeline, telling an activist he was personally opposed but in a minority in the administration.  Recalling when the Veep jumped the gun and supported gay marriage before the President did, is this another Biden "gaffe" which will turn out for the best? Meanwhile, at home in Massachusetts the Boston City Council adopted a building energy labeling ordinance this week which will require commercial building owners to assess their energy use which will be publicly rated.  Building owners will get assistance in increasing their efficiency and tenants will get information that will help them make educated decisions about where they would locate.  For a good write-up of the benefits of such a program, look here. Old friend (perhaps we should say "long term friend") Gina McCarthy, the President's nominee for EPA administrator, had her nomination vote delayed when the republicans "took their ball and went home" and boycotted the committee vote to move her to full Senate consideration.  The nomination will move ahead (the threshold quorum is 10 votes, which is the number of democrats, but one was traveling), but this is just another example of the troubling polarization of congress. For the local events we mentioned, including the Somerville Depaving party this Sunday, check out our Climate Action Calendar. We've rescheduled our Climate Education Meeting on the state Clean Energy and Climate Plan and Green Communities Program for Wednesday, May 29th, at 8pm in the Arlington Senior Center. As always, it's been a pleasure sharing climate news and views with you.  You know, you can subscribe to our iTunes feed and get our podcasts automatically here.  Feel free to give us your thoughts on our Facebook page, or through old-fashioned email. You can donate and support the Climate Minute and all of MCAN's other climate change fighting activities by hitting that "donate now" button, or going to Remember, for climate activities near you check out our MCAN climate action calendar.  You can enter events as well as browse for interesting things to do. As always -- remember, for these reasons we have discussed, the United States must place a price on carbon. Download Enhanced Podcas