Pat Flynn on Productivity, Getting Work Done and Putting Family First [Episode #65]

Successful Women Talk | Relationship Marketing | Work-Life Integration | Productivity | Online Marketing | Social Media | Content Marketing show

Summary: Pat Flynn is my guest today and we're going behind the scenes to see how he stays productive, gets work done and balance his family responsibilities. Pat is most well known for his Smart Passive Income blog and site, but he's known for thinking outside the box -- which is exactly what he did with his new book Let Go, which he initially released on the brand new Snippet platform.  The book has since been released on Amazon and had become a #1 best seller. Check out my interview with Pat to learn why SO many people love him and why I do too: Here are some actionable highlights from our Interview: Master the  Power of Storytelling - Talk about the importance of using video and new media when sharing your message. Define Your Work-Life Schedule - Discuss the importance of Pat and April being on the same page when it comes to work-life rhythm.  Communication is key! Define Your Work Space - This is really key when you work from home -- don't be afraid to set boundaries. Have a schedule with built in flexibility - This is really key when you have a family - know what needs to get done, but be open minded to flexibility. Know Your Body - Figure out what time of day you do your best work and plan your most important thing to do during this time. Don't underestimate the power of Date Night - Communication and alone time with your partner is really important. Put everything on your Calendar - Scheduling is key if you want to be productive and stay on track. Pats Productivity Tools:  Evernote, Mailbox app for IOS, decide when your going to do things, schedule in fun times as well. Don't let email control your life - find specific times to check email -- don't do it all the time. Bullet Proof Coffee - he swears it's the best natural type energy drink. Find out what Pat's guilty pleasure is -- too funny! About guest Pat Flynn                 Pat Flynn is a beloved thought leader in the areas of online entrepreneurship, digital marketing, and lifestyle businesses. He overcame career adversity at an early age by finding his own path and true passion. Despite his success in business, Pat’s greatest joys are spending time with his family and friends as well as helping inspire and educate others on how to succeed with their own entrepreneurial careers.Pat is routinely praised for his authentic leadership style and business principles. Forbes recently named him one of the ten most transparent leaders in business. The New York Times profiled him as a case study in smart online business building. And countless podcasts and blogs have featured his story and the techniques he uses to manage and grow this audience. Links Mentioned: Pat Flynn's New Book - Let Go Live Giant, Shelia