Chat again with Jennifer Hoffman, Intuitive, Channel for Uriel and Energy Reader

Awake: Now What? show

Summary: Jennifer Hoffman is a life-long intuitive whose unique gifts include an amazing ability to read clients’ energetic fields, view their soul purpose, karmic wounds and lessons and bring their energetic vibrations into alignment with their soul’s desire for healing and wholeness in body, mind and spirit. She works with the Archangel Uriel, along with her guides and angels, those of the client and departed loved ones who wish to participate, providing accurate and focused guidance to raise energetic vibrations and create a clear path to a joyful, fulfilling life. Jennifer’s unique life history has been an inspiration to her clients as she has had two near death experiences that occurred during life-changing incidents. After graduating from college, Jennifer began a career in technology during which, in her words. "all I wanted to do was be a corporate vice president." But the Universe had other plans. Jennifer Hoffman’s intuitive abilities go beyond psychic and into the realm of soul level communication. Jennifer created the Uriel Heals website and weekly newsletter in 2003, after receiving a visit from the Archangel Uriel. She also travels internationally, teaching on topics that include ascension, miracles, karmic healing, soul mates and many more. Jennifer also founded Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc., ( a multimedia company committed to spreading enlightenment and participating in the Shift in Consciousness. Through her books, classes, seminars and other products Jennifer provides a vast array of opportunities to learn, heal, transform and ascending into a life of joyful and abundant co-creation. For more information go to