African Liberation Day 2011 & The Impact Of Malcolm X

The African History Network Show show

Summary: Listen to "The African History Network Show", Thursday, May 26th, (Special Time) 9pm-12midnight EST as we discuss "African Liberation Day 2011" and continue our discussion on "The Impact Of Malcolm X In The 21st Century". We'll talk about the history of African Liberation Day and how it's celebrated. The first ALD was celebrated on May 27th, 1972 in Washington, D.C. and San Francisco, CA. Over 60,000 people participated in a mass demonstration for ALD in Washington, D.C. In our first hour we'll be joined by Paul Taylor one of the members of The 2011 African Liberation Day Committee in Detroit. We'll also discuss tips to help with your businesses, more clips of speeches from Malcolm X and you with your comments. To listen visit or Call In (914) 338-1375. Monday's show dealing with "The Big Business Of Weaves And African-American Hair" & "Sistas going Natural" was HOTT!!.