PODCAST: Lt. Michael P. Murphy Award Winners

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Summary: Penn State University recognizes achievement by a graduate student who is serving or has served in the U.S. Armed Forces or with the U.S. Intelligence community with its Lt. Michael P. Murphy Award in Geospatial Intelligence – named after Lt. Michael P. Murphy, a United States Navy SEAL who was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor, for his actions in 2005 during the War in Afghanistan. There are actually two winners this year, and today we are fortunate enough to be speaking with both of them.  We have Bill McDevitt, Senior Mission Planner for SAIC and Vanessa Damato, who is the lead Geospatial Scientist at Special Operations Center – Pacific Command (SOCPAC) Pattern Analysis Section, on the line.  Both just received this recognition at the GEOINT 2011 Symposium.