Radical Corner of Turtle Comic Talk!

What the Shell! show

Summary: Welcome to the latest installment of the Radical Corner of Turtle Comic Talk!  Suine Hallock and Ryan Porter are back to once discuss all the great stories and content provided by IDW’s terrific Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic and tie-ins. This time around Suine and Ryan discuss issue #21 of the ongoing series, featuring original TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman on art as well as the first in the new Micro-Series villain one-shots, Krang #1!  The City Fall event is right around the corner and the guys both enjoyed the lead-in issue setting the stage for things to come.  Over in the Krang one-shot we were both surprised to discover a completely new-found respect for Krang, don’t mess with this guy!  Along the way they learn secrets of the series, hear Ryan sing (twice!), get rock solider confused with Rock Lords and Suine wishes for the debut of the Triceratons