Nightly News

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Turn on the nightly news and what do you see? Fires. Murders. Current wars and nations on the brink of war...  When we see these things it's easy to become fearful. We wonder if one of these terrible things will happen to us or to someone we love.  But God is love and He has a plan for your life - one that doesn't include living in fear. The enemy would love nothing more than to have Christ-followers paralyzed by the evil in this world.  He would love to see us retreat and do nothing.  He doesn't want us to tell people about Jesus Christ.  He wants us to live in fear.  Friends, don't give in to his lies! The Good News of Jesus Christ has the power to transform lives.  As Jesus transforms lives, He will transform neighborhoods and cities and countries.  And, He wants to use YOU in that process.  So allow God's spirit to encourage and strengthen you.As King David said in the Psalms, "I sought the Lord and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears."  Next time you're tempted to be fearful, pray with great faith that the Lord would deliver you from your fears. Pray that He would use you to reach our world that is hurting and desperately needs Jesus Christ.