Jesus, Our Mentor

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Statistically, many of you listening grew up without your Dad as an active part of your life. Even if your Dad was around, you probably know someone who's Dad wasn't. There is a growing epidemic of fatherlessness and a rising number of Christ-followers trying to figure out what to do about it. Many are jumping in to mentor fatherless children so that they have a positive adult in their life. I think that's great. Mentoring is a great thing and a great way to reach your world.But, do you know the ultimate mentor? It's Jesus Christ Himself. A mentor is supposed to be a friend, give you guidance and direction, and help set you on a good, positive course for life. Jesus does all those things. If you're a mentor to others, that's great. But, make sure that you are introducing people to the ultimate mentor. It's easy to spout off answers to questions but are we pointing people to the one who can answer absolutely every question? Life with Jesus provides the Father figure that so many of us are missing. He is a father to the fatherless. Life with Jesus provides wisdom, direction and life in abundance. Jesus promises to be "with us always."  He will never walk out on you, or disappoint you. Turn to Jesus and find the mentor you're looking for - and the Savior you need.