Don’t Turn Back, Don’t Back Down

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: I love how God empowers those who love Him. When Moses was being chased by the Egyptians, he could have panicked and backed down. Instead, God gave him the power he needed to stand his ground. Moses stood his ground, and parted the Red Sea. When David was confronted with the giant Goliath, it would have been easy to run away, but he stood his ground and God gave him victory. There is story after story of God-empowered strength.  In Deuteronomy, we are commanded to, "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." If you are facing seemingly insurmountable odds, you may be tempted to run away. But God may be asking you to follow in the footsteps of many heroes of our faith who didn't back down. With God's strength they faced their trials head on, and God gave them victory. From Old Testament heroes, to our own Savior who faced the ultimate trial in crucifixion, God gives victory to those who follow Him. Think of soldiers staring down enemy fire. They could run away, but they stay. They fight for their lives and their brothers.' God is asking you to fight for lives too. Fight to reach those who don't know God! God will give you the power needed for victory.