Are You Time Wise?

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Are you a procrastinator? Maybe you like the adrenaline rush that comes with waiting until the last possible moment. Or, perhaps you're a planner. As soon as you're given a deadline, you set to work right away. In either case, both kinds of people have a fire lit under them. The procrastinator jumps to action in the eleventh hour, while the planner gets moving right away. Both are acutely aware of time. One just uses it a little more wisely.Did you know that God values time, too? He wants us to make the most of the time He has given us here on earth. In speaking about His second coming, Jesus says, "Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come." Because we do not know the day or hour, we must maximize today as though Jesus is coming back tonight!How can you live with this sense of urgency? You can spend time every morning asking God how He wants to use you that day. Ask Him to open doors so that you may tell others about His son. Ask Him to provide just the right words in just the right moment. And get ready - because God will use you, a willing vessel, to reach your world for His glory.