Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: The Bible is full of stories of changed lives!  One of my favorites is the story of Peter.  Peter was working hard as a fisherman, when Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, stepped in.  Jesus called Peter to follow Him, and immediately, the Bible records, "he dropped his net and followed Him."  And Peter would never be the same.  Peter often gets a bad rap.  People focus on his denials of Jesus- but how many of us do the same?  How many of us are ashamed of Christ, and decide not to share the Good News?  I love the story of Peter, because he's just like us, and God used him mightily!  He became a pillar of the early church!  He made mistakes, yes, but don't we all?  Peter lived a glorious life of loving Jesus and boldly proclaiming Him as he began the Christian church.The Christ who made Peter the great apostle he was is the same Christ who lives in you and me.  He can make us into the men and women He wants us to be when we give Him control of our lives.  All He asks is to take over.  And when he takes over it's amazing what He can do through us!  The same Peter that denied Jesus three times, began the early church, and the book of Acts recorded that thousands were added to the church each day!  He was an evangelist who spent the rest of his life boldly proclaiming the Good News!  Let Christ take over your efforts to reach your world, and you will be amazed what He does!